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The Old Lady and The Phone

               Once, in a small village,  there was an old lady who lived alone in her little house. While, her husband was died 5 years ago. Actually, she had a daughter and two son. But, after they got married, they went from the house and lived with their new family in the town. Before they went, they asked their mother to lived together in the town with them. But their mother always said that she didn’t wanna went away from her husband’s tomb.
                Actually, that old lady didn’t care enough about the tomb. She just worried that she will be a burden for her children if she lived with them. So every time her children asked her, she always answer, “No, thank you. But I don’t wanna get separated from your father.  I couldn’t love him enough when he lived, so let me clean his tomb and pray for him every day.”
                But, after her children went from the house, she always whispered, “No, my children.. I couldn’t give foods, money, toys, and clothes enough for you when you were live with me and your father. So, after you find your own happiness with your own little family, I don’t wanna disturb you with my old age.”
                So, sometimes, her children came to the house with their husband or wife and their children. Her mother was so happy, but she also worried with them, because the town’s way to her house was so far. So she said, “Don’t visit me too often, so I can’t visit my old neighbors. Just visit me when the holiday come, or when you have some trouble.” Their children then agree. They didn’t want her mother felt so annoyed because of their coming. So one day, before they went to the town again, they gave her mother a cell phone.
                Her mother thought that the cell phone was so expensive, so she didn’t wanna take that phone. But their children push her, so finally, she accept that phone.
                After their children went, her mother was so confused to use that phone. So she just charged it when the battery’s sign was red. But one week after that, the phone was ring. The old lady didn’t know how to answer that. So she just swip the screen and finally she could answer the call.
                “Ahh, my son! How are you? Where is my cute Bobby? Ohh Bobby, are you there? Grand ma miss you so, will you come to my house in your holiday?”
                Yeah, that old lady was so happy to saw their children and also their grandchildren. So every day she always brought that phone whenever and where ever she went. At first, there were some called from her children in one day. And then it was just some called in a week, and finally it has been a long time since the last call. The old lady became worried about their children. Were they didn’t miss her? Ahh no, the old lady though that the phone was broken because she didn’t know how to used it. So she went to search a phone service at that village.
                The phone service was far enough. The old lady walked from the house in the morning, and arrived in the noon. So after she arrived, she show her phone and said, “Young boy, I got a trouble with my phone, it can not receive a call. It would be good if you can fix it.”
                Saw that old lady, the young boy said, “What a good phone, grand ma. Ok, lemme check it.” But, not long after that, the young boy said, “Grand ma, there is nothing wrong with this phone. It’s all good.”
                The old lady was so wonder to heard that. “Are you sure, young boy? But, it never received my children call for a long time.” The young boy then said again, “Yeah grand ma, it’s all good, I’ll try to call this phone with my phone, nah, see? This phone is fine, it doesn’t broken.”
                The old lady was so sore, and she said, “So, young man, if it couldn’t receive my children call, does it mean that my children didn’t call me at all?”
                The young boy felt guilty about that, so he took the phone and said, “Grand ma, don’t be sad, let’s call your children! I’ll search your contact, nah, Ario, is that your son? Let’s call him!”
                But, do you know? All sound that heard by them just tut-tutt-tuttt. Her son didn’t answer the call, the young man try the her other son and daughter contact, but again, all sound that they heard was just tut-tutt-tuttt. The old lady was so sad, she stood up from her seat and said, “How much can I pay for your help?”
                The young boy still felt giulty and said, “No, grand ma, you have not to pay me.”
                The old lady became more sad to heard that, so she said, “Ohh, young boy, you are a good boy. Thank you, and one day, after you marry, please don’t forget to visit your parents, bring your children, accompany your parents every time, because when they said that they felt annoyed about your coming, actually, they felt so lonely.. And, and, and don’t forget to call them with your phone. Don’t let them feel lonely, and wasted..” So that old lady walked again to her house alone.

                So, that’s the end of the story. And from this story, we learned that, parents are good liar. They always said that they were full enough and gave the food for us, they always said that they loved their old clothes and bought us a new one, and they always said that they were fine although they were sick. So, now, it’s not too late to call your mother and your father and tell them that you love them, that’s not shameful at all. And for every mother and father who stay in the heaven now, your pray will be meaningful. So, what are you waiting for? Do it now.. :’)


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